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Your weekend

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Who doesn't want some extra energy on the weekend?

Nothing is more annoying than starting your weekend tired after a week of hard work.
One of the causes of decreased energy is the decrease in NAD+ as we age.


Halves every 20 years....


Is a direct precursor for NAD+!

By the time we are 40, only 25% of NAD+ is left in our bodies.


  • 10x servings of O.R.S.
  • 2x 500mg paracetamol 😉

For optimal hydration

€ 6,95


  • 10x servings of O.R.S.
  • 30x capsules NMN

For an effective NAD+ boost | faster recovery | optimal hydration

€ 33,95



  • 10x servings of O.R.S.
  • 60x capsules NMN

For optimal NAD+ boost | optimal recovery | optimal hydration

€ 51,95

Also getting more out of your weekend?

Optimize cellular energy

NMN is a precursor to NAD+, one of the main “fuels of your cells.”

Prevent dehydration

You can do this by drinking water regularly.
Don’t forget to supplement your electrolytes with O.R.S., for example.

Get your rest

Resting can be done in many ways.
Sleep is your greatest friend during and after a weekend of adventure, though!

Speed up your recovery

Boost your NAD+ for a faster recovery from your evening or even weekend partying.

Keep moving

Exercise produces endorphins and dopamine.
These happiness hormones reduce stress and give a sense of accomplishment and energy.

Go outside

Sunlight to produce vitamin D3, also known as your body's motor oil.

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